ECE 5320/6322 Microwave I

Welcome to the Microwave Web site!

Fall 2006

Professor Cynthia Furse




Syllabus &


College Guidelines

Lecture Notes and Homework


(due Wed 6pm)







And TA contact information



Lab Grades:













EM Links



Other EM Courses


Microwave Mania Day at the U!  Oct 27

On Oct 27, we will be hosting not one but TWO Distinguished Lecturers from the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.  This is a great opportunity to rub shoulders with giants and learn from these very experienced microwave engineers.  These lectures WILL count for make up credit.  For details click here.  


What Classes should I take next semester?

        See: Other EM Courses  for online advising.


Aids for this Class




Make Up Credit for missing homework assignments


Make Up Credit can be used if you forget to turn in a portfolio, if you just don’t do it, if you don’t want to attend the required class after Thanksgiving, etc.   These can be used to give you a maximum of 100% on your portfolios.  Makeup credit assignment can be turned in to the HW box through the last day of class. 


Application Tutorial: 

Make Up Credit (for 2 days’ portfolios) will be given for a 1-page (single spaced, 1.5”margins, 12 point font) tutorial on an EM application and how basic EM principles apply to that application.  Turn in to the HW box with a cover sheet indicating this is a makeup credit for 2 days portfolios.