How to save your data from ADS data display window to a disk

You can plot the data with MATLAB and compare it with the network analyzer plots:



(1)   On the graph window in ADS (Data display window), click on a graph that you want to save the data.

(2)   Under “File” menu in the Data display window, click on “Export/write selected item to tab-delimited ASCII”.

(3)   There will be a new small file management window and type the name of file that you want to save (use  file_name_variablename.m)

(4)   If you open the saved file with the word-pad or with Matlab edit window, you will see the name of variables on the first line. (If you saved two variables in a graph, you will have one more line of description of the second variable after a space.)

(5)   Erase the names of variables (characters), and spaces, to make the file as pure ASCII numbers.


Before:                  Frequency             S11

2.00000e9               1.23424e-2

3.00000e9               2.00344e-2


Frequency             S12

2.00000e9               1.23424e-2

 3.00000e9              2.00344e-2


After:              2.00000e9               1.23424e-2

3.00000e9               2.00344e-2

2.00000e9               1.23424e-2

3.00000e9               2.00344e-2


(6)   Then, use load commend in Matlab and load the file.


Load c:\xxxxx\file_name_s11.m

Temp_freq_s11 = file_name_s11;


Frequency = Temp_freq_s11 (:,1)   %  when you have two variables, split the column into two variables

S11 = Temp_freq_s11 (:,2)


If you have two variables, split the column into two variables.


      Frequency1 = Temp_freq_s11 (1:n , 1)

S11 = Temp_freq_s11 (1:n , 2)

        Frequency2 = Temp_freq_s11 (n+1:m , 1)

S12 = Temp_freq_s11 (n+1:m , 2)                       % n is usually half of m


(7)   You can use the variable to plot or calculate.

(8)   To compare with the data collected from network analyzer, read the analyzer data with Main.m and Fdata.m file under “Downloading data from HP8510c Network Analyzer instruction.

                                                                              by You Chung Chung,   March 1, 2001