Here is some information on downloading the placement and routing tools. You can (and should) make use of this available infrastructure for the project. The first set of tools that you want to download is the Michigan Physical Design toolset from Igor's website, which are mostly for floorplanning and placement. Next, you can also obtain FastRoute and FLUTE related sources from Prof. Chris Chu's website. 1. Get UMPack: Follow the instructions for configure and compilation. It compiles alright on the CADE lab machines, even though with a million warnings. Unfortunately, MAC OS (Darwin!!) is not supported, probably due to hMetis-related issues. Go to the UMPack-xxxxx/Capo/TEST directory, and look at the *.aux, *.nodes, *.net, *.pl files. These file formats are based on the bookshelf format. A description of the benchmark format Once all the sources are compiled, the executables are located in the directory ./UMPack-xxxxx/bin Since we are mostly concerned with floorplanning and placement, the executable of interest is MetaPl-Capo10.5-Lnx32.exe, which is the basic floorplacer. Go to ./UMPack-xxxx/Capo/TEST/ and run the placement on the *.aux files. E.g., run ../../bin/MetaPl-Capo10.5-Lnx32.exe -f C432a.aux -save -plot plot and the final placement is produced in '' file and a gnuplot format file plot.plt is also produced which can be viewed and PDF printed. Those of you who are doing your own placement/floorplanning based projects, try to use whatever sources you can from here, and see if you can build your project in a similar fashion. 2. Regarding the routing tools: Go to and fill up the request for the source code. They have requested that whoever wants to use FastRoute and FLUTE, should file an individual request. The source compiles easily and runs fine. Those of you who are working on routing, can use the flute.c source files and obtain HPWL and FLUTE wirelength estimates using these sources. [BTW, UMPack also uses the FLUTE package]. FastRoute uses the ISPD 2008 contest benchmark format for the global routing, which is similar to the bookshelf one, but probably more unified. See and