3710 Computer Design Lab Final Evaluation (groups) Name: Group #: (circle one) ECE3710 CS3710 This is an evaluation of how well you think you and your group worked together. Please turn these in directly to Prof. Stevens, or email comments to kstevens@ece.utah.edu. These forms should be filled out individually and confidentially. I need to know who you are, but I will NOT share any of this information with anyone else. Please turn this form (or email) to Prof. Stevens by Wednesday, 12/16/09. Thanks. 1. Critical evaluation - provide a critical evaluation of yourself, and each of your team members, describing the weaknesses and strengths of your or their performance during the project. Person Evaluation 2. Work fairness - grade yourself and your team members on how well you did on your project, taking into account distribution of work. How well did each of the team members meet their commitments to the team and to you? Was the partitioning of work accurate and fair? For example, although one person may have done less actual work, if they did all of the work that was given to them, in a timely manner, then they deserve an A. If someone did not work the entire time and basically is just riding on the coat tails of the rest of the team, then they deserve an E. So, for each person that you are evaluating (including yourself), give an overall letter grade (A-E with A being the best, E being the worst) for group participation this semester. Team Member Name Grade