Ken Stevens

Associate Professor
University of Utah
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Salt Lake City UT


        MEAT  -- The Most Excellent Asynchronous Tool, dudes!


This is part of a tool set that was developed here at Hewlett-Packard Labs
to help with the development of a large 300,000 transistor asynchronous
communication chip called the Post Office.  During the initial design phase
of the Post Office, Ken Stevens developed the burst-mode hazard model
designed for high performance multiple-input-change and
multiple-output-change asynchronous finite state machine implementation.
The synthesis of these state machines was taking an inordinately large
amount of time.  The synthesis based on burst-mode was was done in a very
"Unger-esque" style, and Ken figured the algorithms could be implemented in
software.  Grinding all the minimizations through by hand was also very
error prone, and a tool would reduce these faults.

Al Davis took the challenge and made Ken a bet that within 3 weeks given a
sum of products specification as input he could output correct asynchronous
covering using a Quine-McCluskey like algorithm.  Well, he got it working,
but tuning the performance to make it efficient took several months!

Bill Coates hacked up some code that takes a state machine specification
and generates the maximal compatibles.  The user then selects the
compatibles and his code will do the state assignment and output the
unreduced logic equations.  This is an Unger like reduction and uses the
Tracey algorithm, and is a front end to the asynchronous logic minimizer.

Ken hacked up a back-end to the Logic Minimization that does CMOS
transistor minimization, and generates a schematic for the circuit.  This
was interfaced to the design tool we've been using called Electric(tm), and
so it hasn't been included.  If you are interested, we can send you the
code that does the transistor minimization.

Steve Nowick then came on as a summer student and interfaced the MEAT tool
to Dave Dill's asynchronous verification tool called AVER.  He also
integrated the burst-mode hazard model into the version of AVER used at
Hewlett-Packard for the implementation of the Post Office.  (This version
of AVER is not included with this software.  Ask Ken if you want more


We have not compiled any of the files.  To compile this system, execute the
following command:

                        (load "compile-meat")


                     (load "compile-meat.lisp")

This will also load all of the files.

After compiling the first time, you should just load all the files into
your lisp environment by executing the following command:

                        (load "load-meat")

Oh, you will need to be connected to the directory that contains these


We're happy to supply this code to you for your use, and feel free to call
or send mail.  However, as it was developed in the heat of building a
prototype multiprocessor the documentation is very sparse (to say the
least).  However, soon this will change as we plan some papers and more
general information on what we've done.

The tool set contains a synchronous and asynchronous logic minimizer and
state machine analyzer.


The logic minimizer can be accessed directly by calling the functions
(async-min-table) for asynchronous minimization, and (sync-min-table) for
synchronous minimization.

The interface to these functions is written for easy machine generation of
the inputs and so that one can take the outputs from a Karnaugh map or
other fully specified table.  (Before Bill completed the state machine
reduction, I entered all the inputs by hand using this interface!  Ugh!)  A
logic equation interface once existed but has fallen into disrepair and
totally disappeared as far as I know.

The logic minimizer will reduce a single output variable at a time, so it
will need to be called for each state variable or output individually.
Here is a most bogus fabricated example:

     a \ c
      b \ d
         \  00   01   11   10
          |    |    |    |    |
       00 | 0  | X  | 0  | X  |
          |    |    |    |    |
       01 | 1  | 1  | 0  | X  |
          |    |    |    |    |
       11 | 0  | 1  | 1  | 0  |
       	  |    |    |    |    |
       10 | 0  | X  | X  | 0  |

For the above Karnaugh map, the following is a transcript of a minimization

> (async-min-table)
Enter a parenthesized list of variable names for the function.
 -> the order is important!
(a b c d)
Enter the function table as a list in the order specified
by the variable name list.

The output function must be entered as a single list with 2**n elements,
where 'n' is the number of input variables.  Each element represents the
output value of the function for a unique combination of inputs.

Within the output vector, the elements are ordered in ascending binary sequence
based on the input variable values, in the order they occur in the input list.

For example, the output vector for a two-input function F = f(a,b)
would be entered as (f(0,0) f(0,1) f(1,0) f(1,1)).

Enter a 0 if the function is to be 0 at this point, 1 for a 1,
and x for don't care.

Also note that this *&^(*&#'ing read command limits line size...

(0 x x 0
 1 1 x 0
 0 x 0 x
 0 1 0 1)
Doing Get-Pimps...
Getting sync solutions.....
Getting async solutions...
 *****The Following Are Asynchronous Solutions***** 

  38: C~*D + A*D + A~*B*C~

 *****Asynchronous Minimization Done***** 

Note that the input to the minimizer is done such that the first element of
the function list is the result of the output (or feedback variable) where
all the inputs are zero (resulting in a logic 0 value if they were taken as
a binary number).  The second element of the function list is the resultant
output when the the binary value of the inputs is 1, and so on increasing
in value until all the inputs are 1's for the final element in the function
list.  Note that if you take the values from a K-map, as shown above, the
values in the function list will not be the same order as displayed in the
K-map.  Be careful to input the values in the correct order or you will get
unexpected results!

Also note that the print routines specify a negated value as a variable
name followed by a tilde.   That is because the and terms are delimited by
the asterisk and the or terms by the plus.


Here is a brief description of the valid entries in the state machine
description file:

Field			documentation

:fsm NAME		Name of the state machine.

:in LIST		List of valid input names.

:out LIST		List of valid output names.

:init-in BOOLEAN-LIST	Boolean expression of value of inputs
			initially.  Default is zero.  For example, if
			there are four inputs and a and d are initially
			1, then you could express this as either
			:init-in (a * d) or :init-in (a * b~ * c~ * d)

:init-out BOOLEAN-LIST	Same as for :init-in.

:init-state NUM		The initial state (a decimal integer).
			Default initial state is 0.

:mex MEX-PAIR		A pair of mutually exclusive inputs.
			There needs to be one of these statements for
			each pair of mutually exclusive inputs.
			These only work when the initial state of the
			inputs is 0 (positive logic active high).

			This defines transitions between states.  The fist
			NUM is the initial state.  When the value of the
			inputs makes the first BOOLEAN-LIST true, then the
			transition fires and moves you to the state
			specified by the second NUM, and the outputs are
			updated as specified by the second BOOLEAN-LIST.

			This is transition dependent -- you only need to
			specify inputs or outputs that *change* or may
			change in the boolean-list, not the complete state
			of the inputs and outputs.

The following is a sample state machine which should clear up the usage


;;; Example FSM description data file 

;;; Entry is free-format.
;;; Keywords are required to be in the order shown,
;;; except for optional statements which may be omitted.


;;; initial description and constraints


:fsm PE-Send-Ifc			;FSM that interfaces sends to the PE.

:in  (Req-Send TReq Rd-IQ ADBld-out Ack-Pkt) ;list of input variables

:out (TAck PEAck ADBld)			;list of output variables

:init-in  () 				;value of inputs in initial state
					;default is all zero

:init-out ()				;list of output variables
					;initial value of outputs (optional)
					;default is all zero

:init-state 0				;initial state (optional)
					;default is S0

:mex (Rd-IQ Ack-Pkt)			;pairs of mutually exclusive inputs.
					;use as many :mex statements as needed.
					;including 0 (optional).


;;; Behavioral description - each :state entry corresponds to
;;; an arc in the state diagram.

;;; Only inputs and outputs which transition need to be specified -
;;; Note that inputs are specified in sum-of-products form,
;;; outputs are represented as one AND term.


:state	0 (Req-Send * TReq * Rd-IQ)
	1 (ADBld)

:state	1 (ADBld-out)
	2 (PEAck)

:state	2 (Rd-IQ~)
	3 (PEAck~ * ADBld~ * TAck)

:state	3 (TReq~ * Rd-IQ * ADBld-out~)
	4 (ADBld)

:state	4 (ADBld-out)
	5 (PEAck)

:state	5 (Rd-IQ~)
	6 (PEAck~ * ADBld~ * TAck~)

:state	6 (TReq * Rd-IQ * ADBld-out~)
	1 (ADBld)

:state	6 (TReq * Ack-Pkt * ADBld-out~)
	7 (PEAck * TAck)

:state	7 (Ack-Pkt~ * TReq~)
	9 (PEAck~ * TAck~)

:state	3 (TReq~ * Ack-Pkt * ADBld-out~)
	8 (PEAck)

:state	8 (Ack-Pkt~)
	9 (PEAck~ * TAck~)

:state	9 (TReq)
       10 (TAck)

:state 10 (TReq~)
	9 (TAck~)

:state	9 (Req-Send~)
	0 ()



Once a state machine has been specified you run the "meat" function to
generate implementations of the specification.  The meat function has a
required argument which is the name of the file that contains the
specification.  An optional second argument, when not nil, causes the state
specification to be more verbose, printing out initial and reduced state
tables from the specified input.  The optional third argument specifies the
variance results that the asynchronous logic minimization will generate.
If you want to see ALL the possible implementations for a given set of
compatibles, you can set the third argument to a large value (eg. 999).  If
you have a specification that takes a very long time to generate an
implementation, you may want to set the third argument to a smaller value,
down to 0.  (But you probably don't need to muck with this, anyway.)

The meat program will read the description and generate a set of maximal
compatibles.  It is up to the user to select a subset of these maximal
compatibles that fully covers the state machine.  There can be many
possible coverings.  The program then generates an implementation for each
valid state assignment for the given covering, and all of the valid sum of
product equations that generate each implementation.  As heuristics are
always right (heh heh) we print a heuristic value for all of the state
machine implementations generated.  Like golf, the lower the heuristic
value the better.  (I hate golf, so this matches perfectly!  I don't know
why I keep playing it...)  The heuristic value is intended to make the
selection of the "best" implementation easier.

Here is a sample run of the above state machine example (which was written
into the file "" (slightly edited so it will print in 80
columns).  This was run using the "verbose" option so you can examine the
state table row merging and state assignments.

> (meat "" t)
Initial Input Table:


IN:  00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111
     01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111
     10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111
     11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111

S0   0     X     X     X     0     X     X     X
     0     X     X     X     0     X     X     X
     0     X     X     X     0     X     X     X
     0     X     X     X     1     X     X     X
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   000   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   000   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   000   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   00X   XXX   XXX   XXX

S1   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     1     X     2     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   001   XXX   0X1   XXX

S2   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     3     X     X     X     2     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   011   XXX

S3   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     3     8     3     3     4     X     3     X
     3     3     3     3     3     X     3     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     100   1X0   100   100   10X   XXX   100   XXX
     100   100   100   100   100   XXX   100   XXX

S4   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     4     X     5     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   101   XXX   1X1   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

S5   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     6     X     X     X     5     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   111   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

S6   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     6     6     6     6     6     X     6     X
     6     7     6     6     1     X     6     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   000   000   000   000   XXX   000   XXX
     000   XX0   000   000   00X   XXX   000   XXX

S7   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     9     7     X     X     X     X     X     X
     7     7     X     X     X     X     X     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XX0   110   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     110   110   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

S8   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     9     8     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XX0   110   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

S9   0     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     9     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     10    X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     X00   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

S10  X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     9     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     10    X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     X00   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     100   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

Max Compatibles: ((0 1 2 5) (0 6) (1 2 4 5 7 8) (1 2 4 5 8 9 10) (3))
Enter State set: '((0 6) (1 5 7) (2 4 8 9 10) (3))
state assignments: 1

Merged Table


IN:  00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111
     01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111
     10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111
     11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111

S0   0     X     X     X     0     X     X     X
     0     X     X     X     0     X     X     X
     0     0     0     0     0     X     0     X
     0     1     0     0     1     X     0     X
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   000   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   000   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   000   000   000   000   XXX   000   XXX
     000   XX0   000   000   00X   XXX   000   XXX

S1   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     2     1     0     X     X     X     1     X
     1     1     X     X     1     X     2     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XX0   110   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   111   XXX
     110   110   XXX   XXX   001   XXX   0X1   XXX

S2   0     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     2     2     X     X     2     X     1     X
     2     X     3     X     X     X     2     X
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   110   XXX   XXX   101   XXX   1X1   XXX
     100   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   011   XXX

S3   X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     3     2     3     3     2     X     3     X
     3     3     3     3     3     X     3     X
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     100   1X0   100   100   10X   XXX   100   XXX
     100   100   100   100   100   XXX   100   XXX

Merged Table with STATE CODES:


IN:  00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111
     01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111
     10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111
     11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111

S0   0     X     X     X     0     X     X     X
     0     X     X     X     0     X     X     X
     0     0     0     0     0     X     0     X
     0     1     0     0     1     X     0     X
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   000   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   000   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   000   000   000   000   XXX   000   XXX
     000   XX0   000   000   00X   XXX   000   XXX

S1   0     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     2     1     0     X     X     X     1     X
     1     1     X     X     1     X     2     X
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XX0   110   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   111   XXX
     110   110   XXX   XXX   001   XXX   0X1   XXX

S2   0     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     2     2     X     X     2     X     1     X
     2     X     3     X     X     X     2     X
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     000   110   XXX   XXX   101   XXX   1X1   XXX
     100   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   011   XXX

S3   0     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X
     3     2     3     3     2     X     3     X
     3     3     3     3     3     X     3     X
     000   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX
     100   1X0   100   100   10X   XXX   100   XXX
     100   100   100   100   100   XXX   100   XXX

SOP for "Y1":
Doing Get-Pimps...
Getting sync solutions.....
Getting async solutions...
 *****The Following Are Asynchronous Solutions for Y1 ***** 

       + Y1*RD-IQ + Y1*REQ-SEND*ADBLD-OUT~

 *****Asynchronous Minimization Done***** 

SOP for "Y0":
Doing Get-Pimps...
Getting sync solutions.....
possible sync solns: 146
sync solns         : 7
Getting async solutions...
possible async solns: 14
async solns         : 3

 *****The Following Are Asynchronous Solutions for Y0 ***** 




 *****Asynchronous Minimization Done***** 

Doing Get-Pimps...
Getting sync solutions.....
possible sync solns: 2606
sync solns         : 18
Getting async solutions...
possible async solns: 40
async solns         : 6

 *****The Following Are Asynchronous Solutions for TACK ***** 

       + Y1*TREQ*RD-IQ~ + Y1*TREQ~*ADBLD-OUT + Y1~*Y0*REQ-SEND

       + Y1*TREQ*RD-IQ~ + Y1*TREQ~*ADBLD-OUT + Y1~*Y0*REQ-SEND

       + Y1*TREQ*RD-IQ~ + Y1*TREQ~*RD-IQ + Y1~*Y0*REQ-SEND

       + Y1*TREQ*RD-IQ~ + Y1*TREQ~*RD-IQ + Y1~*Y0*REQ-SEND

       + Y1*ACK-PKT + Y1*TREQ*RD-IQ~ + Y1*TREQ~*RD-IQ + Y1~*Y0*REQ-SEND

       + Y1~*Y0*REQ-SEND

 *****Asynchronous Minimization Done***** 

Doing Get-Pimps...
Getting sync solutions.....
possible sync solns: 46
sync solns         : 11
Getting async solutions...
possible async solns: 11
async solns         : 6

 *****The Following Are Asynchronous Solutions for PEACK ***** 


  50: Y1*ACK-PKT + Y1*ADBLD-OUT + Y1*Y0~*TREQ*RD-IQ~

  74: Y1*ACK-PKT + Y1*Y0*TREQ*RD-IQ + Y1*Y0~*REQ-SEND*RD-IQ~
       + Y1*Y0~*REQ-SEND*TREQ~

  74: Y1*ACK-PKT + Y1*Y0*TREQ*RD-IQ + Y1*Y0~*TREQ~*RD-IQ
       + Y1*Y0~*REQ-SEND*RD-IQ~

  74: Y1*ACK-PKT + Y1*Y0*TREQ*RD-IQ + Y1*Y0~*TREQ*RD-IQ~
       + Y1*Y0~*REQ-SEND*TREQ~

  72: Y1*ACK-PKT + Y1*Y0*TREQ*RD-IQ + Y1*Y0~*TREQ*RD-IQ~ + Y1*Y0~*TREQ~*RD-IQ

 *****Asynchronous Minimization Done***** 

Doing Get-Pimps...
Getting sync solutions.....
possible sync solns: 3
sync solns         : 2
Getting async solutions...
possible async solns: 2
async solns         : 1

 *****The Following Are Asynchronous Solutions for ADBLD ***** 

  12: Y1*RD-IQ

 *****Asynchronous Minimization Done***** 



Stevens, Kenneth S.  "Automatic synthesis of Fast, Compact Self-Timed
State Machines", University of Calgary Research Report No. 92/495/33,
December, 1992.

W. S. Coates, A. L. Davis, and K. S. Stevens.  "Automatic Synthesis of
Fast Compact Asynchronous Control Circuits", IFIP Working Conference on
Asynchronous Design Methodologies, March 1993.

Unger, Steven H. "Asynchronous Sequential Switching Circuits", 1983 Reprint
by Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, Inc., Krieger Drive, Malabar,
Florida 32950  (originally published by Wiley, 1969)

Tracey, James H. "Internal State Assignments for Asynchronous
Sequential Machines", IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers,
Vol. EC-15, No. 4, pages 551-560, August 1966.

K. S. Stevens, S. V Robison, and A. L. Davis.  "The Post Office --
Communication Support for Distributed Ensemble Architectures", Proceedings
of 6th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems},
pages 160-166, May 1986.


Ken Stevens
Al Davis
Bill Coates

Comments are welcome. Please send e-mail to
Copyright © 1998 - All rights reserved
Last Modified: