Computer Engineering Students
CE Majors and participation in the Clinic Program
The Engineering Clinic Program does not replace curriculum requirements for any major. Instead, it fits into the existing curriculum in the following way:
According to the Computer Engineering major handbook, CE majors must complete:
Capstone Requirement: One of the following must be completed.
- CS/ECE 3992 & 4710 – CE Pre-thesis/Pre-project & Senior Project
- CS/ECE 3992 & ECE 4900 & 4910 – CE Pre-thesis/Pre-project & Clinic
- CS/ECE 3992 & 4991 & 4992* CE Pre-thesis/Pre-project & Senior Thesis
#2 above applies to Computer Engineering majors who wish to participate in the Engineering Clinic Program. You should enroll in CS/ECE 3992 during the fall semester of your junior year and then continue through ECE 4900 and ECE 4910 while you participate in the Engineering Clinic Program.
Many Clinic teams will reserve a few positions for CE majors when the projects have a clear software, embedded software, or other computer engineering related area of focus. In the past, entire teams have been composed of CE majors when the project is appropriate.
With additional questions or concerns, please contact us anytime.