What is Digital Systems?

Digital designers create modern computing devices.  They design microchips with millions or even billions of nanometer-sized transistors. Creating these integrated circuits (ICs) is a process called very large-scale integration (VLSI).  Digital designers are always looking for better ways to optimize size, computing power, and energy efficiency.


ECE 3700 Digital Design is a universal prerequisite for all computer and digital design classes. It is recommended that you complete this class no later than spring semester of the 2nd year.

ECE 3810 Computer Architecture is a required computer engineering course that is also fundamental to this track.

Course Numbering System: X7xx and X8xx = Digital Systems and Computer Engineering

Class Non-yearly Options
3710 Computer Design Lab
5710/6710 Digital VLSI IVC
5745/6745 Testing & Verification Odd Years
5755/6755 Asynchronous Design Odd Years
5960 Physical Design Algorithms Every other year

Class Non-yearly Options
5780/6780 Embedded System Design
5740/6740 Computer-Aided Design odd years

Students in digital design may also be interested in majoring in Computer Engineering, which is a similar degree with more computer science requirements, or a minor in Computer Science.