
Lab  Video Description Faculty
Christensen Lab Ultrasound devices, physics and modeling Douglas Christensen
Electromagnetics Research Lab Bioelectromagnetics, Electromagnetic Simulation, Reflectometry on Live Electrical Systems Cynthia Furse
Sanchez Research Lab Lab Video Bioelectromagnetic devices for physiological monitoring Benjamin Sanchez-Terrones
Schurig Lab Design, analysis and fabrication of metamaterials in frequency ranges from megahertz to petahertz David Schurig
Terahertz Optoelectronics Research Group Lab Video Applied electromagnetics, electronic & optoelectronic devices and materials Berardi Sensale-Rodriguez
Computational Electrodynamics Research Lab Electromagnetic phenomena at frequencies over 15 orders of magnitude Jamesina Simpson


Douglas Christensen

Fiberoptic and guided-wave sensors, especially those applicable to biomedical sensing, such as fluorescent immunosensors; numerical modeling of optical devices using finite-difference time-domain techniques, and ultrasound bioinstrumentation.

Cynthia Furse

Electromagnetics, Intermittent fault location for aircraft wiring, antenna design and optimization, communications, bioelectromagnetics, and engineering education.

Benjamin Sanchez

Applied bioelectromagnetics for health measurement and monitoring

David Schurig

Metamaterials: Design, analysis and fabrication of metamaterials in frequency ranges from megahertz to petahertz. Transformation design of devices implementable with metamaterials. Applications include: remote sensing, near-field imaging, biological imaging, implantable devices, electro-mechanical devices and invisibility cloaking.

Berardi Sensale-Rodriguez

EM and optics: terahertz technology, high frequency electronics, two dimensional materials, active metamaterials, plasmonics, and nanophotonics

Jamesina Simpson

Computational electromagnetics theory and applications; finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) solutions to Maxwell's equations from near-DC to light; electromagnetic propagation in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide; electromagnetic compatibility; plasmonics; biophotonics